Monday, November 23, 2009


Rod and Jared are on their way to Nicaragua. They left last night and stayed the night in Portland. Flew out of Portland at 6am and are in Houston right now for a long lay-over. They will leave Houston in a few hours and arrive in Managua, Nicaragua aroung 9pm (7pm Pacific time). The weather is expected to be in the 90's all week with isolated thunderstorms.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November Birthdays

  • Suzanne - 11/4 - 26yrs
  • Duncan - 11/17 - 13yrs
  • Michelle - 11/22 - 21yrs - Woot!
  • Alan - 11/30 - 26yrs
  • Juliene - 11/30 - 38yrs

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Sorry we haven't written in a while. Alan isn't feeling too well right now, but going good none-the-less. So far England reminds us of Oregon and Wisconsin put together. And now the leaves are starting to change colour. (yeah i know British spelling) Wendy is very upset right now since we are trying to keep her on her tummy so she can start crawling. She can get the knees under her, but she hasn't figured out to keep the upper body up. Jacob we found out has a heart mummer. It is benine which is a good thing. He is more than likely going to need surgery for his eye. However, it is going to be a non-evasive surgery, which relieves me quite a bit. We will find out for sure when we hear from the optomitrist during his appointment. Will let everyone know when and what happens.

Love to all,

Alan, Suzanne, Jacob and Wendy

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Well.....this blog idea seems to have failed miserably. I've decided that at the end of the year (beginning of new year actually) that I am going to take it over as just a personal blog site. If there are any objections let me know.....but I doubt there will be any 'cause I don't think anyone reads this anymore.


October Birthday

Rick - 10/26/62 - 47 years

Saturday, October 3, 2009


hey everybody! i just wanted to say hi. how is everyone? it seems like someone even goes on here anymore! haha well my mom and dad are sick, jared is working, and me and rachelle are just hanging around the house. we about fixed the blazer up all the way for jared. he is still using moms car but the blazer is about ready so that is really cool. who knows how long its just been sitting outside doing nothing? haha so i better go do something help mom and dad out by cleaning the house. bye!:]


Thursday, September 3, 2009

September Anniversaries

Happy Anniversary!!
  • BC & Lauren ~ 9/9/06
  • Sam & Shari ~ 9/11/82
  • Lloyd & Marilyn ~ 9/22/61